Making Transitions Work for You
We are all in a state of transition
The world is moving fast. Any part of our lives can change at any time. You may wake up tomorrow to an entirely different reality. As a result, coaching is all the more important. I recently had my world tilted on its side as a result of a corporate reorganization.
I found myself in a daze and staring into what seemed like a life abyss. I was at a point in my life where I needed to hit the pause button and discern what I really wanted from life. You can try to do this on your own, but I realized at that moment that I needed a professional partner to help me navigate these crossroads.
Transition can take many forms
Facing this career transition myself, I can appreciate how many of you are dealing with any of a variety of transitions that you are not even talking about. Transitions take many forms. They can be professional, personal, emotional, spiritual, physical or any of many other types. Know that you do not need to face this alone. Let me help you on the first steps through your journey. But before we get into that, first a little background on how I got here.
Redefining Your Why
Back to that period of discernment I mentioned before. As I began to think about my next chapter, I needed to confirm my "why". As the wise Victor Frankl spoke of in his book Man's Search for Meaning, "If you know your why, you can overcome any how".
So let's start with MY why. Most of us have some sort of inkling as to why we are here on this earth. We hear that voice but don't pay much attention to it. The only real way to explore this is through a guided approach of personal discovery and discernment.
Many of us have taken personal assessments. This is a great way to evaluation WHO we are and WHAT we like and WHAT are natural tendencies are. But do you really know how you "show up" with others? Knowing what kind of energy you bring is step one to really determining HOW we want to show up.
Getting back into Balance
In the tail end of my career I realized my life has become unbalanced in one particular area. As a result of focusing too much on my career, my personal relationships, my social relationships, and my physical and emotional health were all in danger of beginning to unravel. Something had to give.
Either life was going to creep up on me or I was going to take back control. The call to service has always been there for me whether I was paying attention to it or not. As was the need to balance my personal and professional life. But what was I going to DO about it? Enter Executive Balance.
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The purpose behind Executive Balance
I created Executive Balance as a vehicle for me to give back in servitude. The problem was simple: how can I restore that balance in my life while at the same time capitalizing on my executive leadership experience.
My goals were simple: Give back time to my family and personal relationships that I had neglected over the period of working 60 hour weeks for 30 years; give some of my energy and talents to my community through volunteering and working with non profit organizations, and give back my knowledge and experience to my profession through coaching and consulting.
I solved the first two goals through my commitment and intention by devoting 1 workday each week to my family and community. Executive Balance allows me to help busy and stressed executive leaders balance their purpose, profits and people.
Creating Executive Balance has turned out to be the most important work I am doing right now. Nothing is more important than helping others balance life and work in the midst of tremendous change we are all facing.
A national business podcast--Business RadioX--became aware of the work I was doing and contacted me for an interview on their program called "Coaching the Coach".
Preparing for the interview allowed me to revisit the values and ideals I originally formulated for Executive Balance. After digging deep to reaffirm my values, goals and purpose, I knew it would become a key element of the discovery process I lead with my clients.
The interview itself was exciting and exhilarating in that it gave me a platform to express some personal thoughts on the value of the coaching profession. Lee Kantor was a true professional and handled the interview expertly.
What kind of transition are you facing?
There are many types of transitions. Some are personal, some professional, and some are external or environmental. We as human beings are in a constant state of transition. Some transitions are easier than others. And SOME, we need help working through. Here are examples of some more common transitions to consider as you think about where you are in your life:
Environmental – moving, downsizing
Career – new job, career
Relationships – marriage, divorce, birth of a child, death of a loved one
Family/parenting – empty nesting, caregiving
Health – new illness, recovery, related to family members
Finance – Windfalls (inheritance, lottery), bankruptcy
Spiritual – changing religion, new beliefs
Personal Development – sabbaticals, retreats, reflection
Fun & Enjoyment – new interests, giving up current activities due to injury
Transition Coaching
My transition coaching practice is designed to foster a coach/client partnership to help my clients envision, clarify and get to where they want to go. Finding a solution to the transition is not always the goal. Understanding the transition and using it to educate, inform and mobilize your intentions and actions will (1) reduce the stress introduced through the changes you’re experiencing, (2) shift your mindset to welcome the myriad of transitions that make up your life, and (3) open up a world of innovative thinking about your possibilities moving forward.
Getting Clarity
As your coach or consultant I can help bring clarity to your situation and your options. We’ll develop a plan of attack to help guide you through your transition. My background as an executive leader, combined with the skills I’ve demonstrated to become a Certified Professional Coach along with the International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach distinction, I can help you discover how your current transitions can be used to build your on-purpose life, the one you always intended.
Balancing Purpose
Are you ready to end the “lifequakes” and create the on-purpose life you always intended?
Take the first step. Let’s talk.